Sunday, 17 April 2011

An update on life so far and a New Project!!

Hey All, sorry i haven't updated in a while but i have been busy with many, many good things ;-) As always I've been working away in the studio to see what inspiration brings to me, its such a blessing when you plug away at writing music and that moment arises where it just all comes together like magic. To give you an idea of how much music i have been writing... I'm actually running out of drive space here ahhhhh lol! All though i still go in blind and just go from wherever the inspiration takes me at that moment, its nice to finally be able to write in most genres and feel i can deliver it with some sincerity. Music is such a mystic/magical place i tell ya haha, its like your own private little playground that only you know about and who understands its personal deepness. I'm still focusing on the next Instrumental installment (listening to demos right now as i type) Its a tricky one this... People seem to have such a wide range of musical tastes these days, with the advent of the Internet its really opened peoples eyes up to anything and everything music oriented. My heart says "stay clear of the fast Shred guitar playing" but my mind says "it seems to be what people want to hear" I'm kinda torn between the 2 at the moment. It becomes frustrating going into the studio conscious of what i want and what the people would expect, guess its all the fun and games that come with being a musician/songwriter. I have previously blogged about focusing on a more commercial pop/rock based album, i was demoing many little ditties for a possible album and then was approached with a great opportunity. Through my longtime friend/drummer Kev Bartlett, I was asked by I very talented singer "Kev Bayliss" if i would consider collaborating on an album with him. We began meeting and we toyed with the idea of putting a band together, arranging rehearsals and writing music as a band. I started to dig out some old demos to consider for this new project, unfortunately the project was shelved for reasons i wont go into but it never saw the light of day again. Kev Bayliss was considering a collaboration album of his own featuring musicians he has worked with past and now present (ME haha) We started with a song that was demoed for the original "Project" idea that was shelved, "Quicksand" (originally titled Tone Of Voice) is to be the first single from an album due to be released at the end of 2011. It really is amazing to see this song being developed into what it finally is, i had written it back in 1999 with Adam Morgan (a very talented drummer) and it was just guitar and drums. After re-demoing the song adding extra guitars and bass Kev Bayliss wrote and record a vocal, after hearing the demo it was pretty clear this one was going to be a single for sure! Pete Lakin also features on Piano/Keyboards on this song, gave the song a whole dimension and is definitely more radio friendly. We spent a Sunday at The Smash Rooms in Telford to record Kev Bartletts drums and then we spent 2 days at Magic Garden Studios Wolverhampton to record mix and master the rest. You can have a listen to a snippet of the song here: http// The new demos are sounding great too and we are back in the studio in June to finish up, I'm really looking forward to getting peoples views on this. There are many, many other things to blog about, think i will save them for another day though lol! Peace & Luv as always ;-) xx Lucky