Monday, 22 October 2012

Movie Soundtrack Composed by Lucky Singh

Hey folks,

just a quick blog that i felt i had to post.

Guess its more personal tonight, emotions hey haha...

Ive been working hard on the movie soundtrack that I've been commissioned to do, it's amazing how much I'm learning about myself. How my influences are unintentionally coming out, it's a really strange feeling...

It's hard to explain but I want to use this blog update to try haha, I mean that's what these are for right?

I was asked by a production company a couple months ago to compose some music for a short (40 minute) movie, the genre is to be 70's western ...

So I took to the home studio and began composing some pieces, as many of my closest know... I'm a stickler for getting demos right and pretty much as the final pieces will eventually sound, the production team loved the demos and really felt they would be good enough to use. Obviously I had to explain "that's nothing, wait until i have these finalised"

So I'm sat here now recording the finals and searching for a little inspiration, listening to some Ennio Morricone and the strangest thing happened.

I begin to realise how my subconscious knew "70's Western" meant "Ennio Morricone" all though he wasn't at the forefront of my thoughts when I began drafting compositions for the soundtrack.

Proof of how powerful the human brain is and can be, as the compositions fell down to me from the ether they would grow in a way almost dictated.

How I knew they would need whistles, trumpets, choral "ooohs" and "ahhhhs" is something my subconscious dreamt up through past listening experiences and influence.

All I knew is that it sounded right, it sounded integral and intentional.

I've always had respect for composers such as Ennio, even more so now.

These guys were and still are innovators, back then they had far less influence than we have today.

Of course, their ideas are influenced but not in the same way.

They took genres they were in love with and then pushed the boundaries with them, something that is lacking so much in today's music industry.

I feel a little like I'm also falling under the influence, even without knowing I'm replicating a genre that's of another generation.

I just hope the added spice that is "me" will be coherent, almost obvious to the listener.

I guess that's what I hope will come out of me, not in a way that's forced either but with conviction and absolution.


That's about it (gotta get back to it)

As I've said before...

These blogs are an outlet to just blab and blab on about things and get them off my chest.

If anyone should read them and gain insight or "Enlightenment" then that's cool haha.

As long as you and the people around you are well, that's what matters most,

Peace and love as always,

Lucky :-) xx
