Monday, 13 June 2011

"Entering The Magic Garden"

Hey folks,

Yesterday was day 1 of recording with Gavin Monaghan and Gazz Rogers at "Magic Garden Studio" in Wolverhampton, 5 songs that will be featured on a 9/11 track album by "The Project".
Its such a blessing to be back at "Magic Garden" after whats been some years now (apart from recording "Quicksand" a few months back)
Its such a comfortable environment to work in, i say work but its definitely more fun than working lol

As Gazz rightly said yesterday "The studio is a safe haven for musicians" i couldn't agree more with that statement, you get to be completely "you" and its delivered sonically through the music you create together with the people around you.
I don't think I've ever been in a studio and not learnt something new, Gav always has so many stories and is so humble about his work too.
If you ever wanted to know anything in terms of recording hes so open about it all, its rare you meet people like Gav that are willing to share the magic.
That magic that they've discover over decades of passion and hard work, an obvious love for what they do.

This might be a bold statement but yesterday was 1 of the best experiences I've had in life so far, couldn't imagine being with nicer people doing what i love to do.
Make music and just play my guitar!

Things are sounding amazing too and i have to say a big thank you to Steve and Andy Eastment at Smash Rooms in Telford, without their help we wouldn't of been able to get the track listing up by 2+ more songs.
Recording the drums with Steve at Smash Rooms has helped us so much, capturing a well engineered set of drum takes has been a total blessing in terms of the time we have to focus on all other instruments/vocals.

Mr Bartlett managed to get all 5 songs nailed in one day!!
It is amazing to see someone do that, not just that but we were able to tone it down to only a few drum fills here and there haha!
Brilliant work bro!

Mr Bayliss... well haha!

This whole project is Kev's idea and he has actually funded this whole thing so i cant thank him enough for letting me be a part if it all, not just that but also to consider using 3 of my own compositions to co-write and collaborate on.
What Kev has added to these songs vocally is far better than i could of imagined, its an honour to send a piece music to kev and get it back with his vocals and just say "that's it!"

I really have found a great musical chemistry with Kev (another Kev to add to brotherhood haha), its turning out to be a great musical partnership that will continue for a long time to come I'm sure.

So tomorrow we head back in for 4 days to finish up, i should hopefully have all of my guitars done tomorrow (including Acoustic Guitars)

Nick (bassist/guitarist) is joining us tomorrow onwards too, be nice to see how his ideas weave in to the tapestry.

I'm so excited about getting this thing finished and out there to you all, but honestly...
If i could make this week last a lifetime i would be more than happy, so if any record labels are reading this then sort it out would ya lol!

Peace & Luv as Always :-) xx

1 comment:

  1. Keep going Lucky,success shouldn't always be valued monetarily. Sounds like you've hit the jackpot here both musically and spiritually which always makes a man rich. You and the "magic" group stick at it and what you desire will become yours I am sure. Good Luck.... (another) Kevin
